Navigating our complex bargaining laws and regulations isn’t easy. Having your own tailored enterprise agreement is one option to ensure your workplace has a compliant, relevant set of rules. Ross Clarke is the Principal of Work Relations and brings more than 25 years of experience to the bargaining room.
Work Relations provides practical, common-sense training to prepare your organisation for the process. Experience has proven that investing in a good process delivers good bargaining and improved results.
Work Relations provides consulting services for projects requiring strategic planning, enterprise bargaining, traditional dispute resolution and the implementation of risk management measures.
Ross has worked closely with federal governments on the formation and implementation of federal industrial legislation and successfully worked in the oil, distribution, banking, manufacturing, transport, hospital, aged care, retail, hospitality, casino and telecommunication sectors for some of Australia’s best-known corporates. He has been employed as the National Director of IR at the Australian Hotels Association, formed and headed the Australian Retailers Association’s (ARA) Enterprise Bargaining Unit
Ross began his career as a barrister in Queensland prior to commencing as an Industrial Officer with the Retailers Association of Queensland in 1997, before heading up the ARA’s National Enterprise Bargaining Unit.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Ross on a high profile corporate industrial relations case which had political, union and media impacts at the highest level. Ross’s knowledge of industrial relations in Australia’s changing climate, his strategic legal, union and employee relations advice were of the highest calibre. He has the ability to take off the legal blinkers and take into account a multitude of potential impacts on the situation. The ensuing advice is typically candid, honest and outcomes focused taking all audiences into account.”
“Ross guided Luxottica through a major change to our agreement that saw us modernise and streamline our employment conditions. This set a platform for us to move forward in a more competitive retail environment. Our new agreement contained significant efficiencies and was supported at first vote by employees.”
“Ross’ intricate knowledge of industrial relations, the political environment and the workplace, combined with his ability to understand how and when to communicate make him one of Australia’s leading industrial relations experts”.
“Ross’s knowledge of industrial relations and his ability to understand how and when to communicate internally with government; and with the media were instrumental in guiding the Association’s successful response to the campaign.”