Multi-Hire Allows Employees to Learn & Earn

Multi-Hire Allows Employees to Learn & Earn

Yet another decision of Fair Work Commission has secured, for a resort and country club in Perth’s Swan Valley, a multi-hire clause in its agreement allowing employees to have two jobs. Recently there has been several Commission decisions (see below) approving this useful tool to allow employees to have a second job with their own employer without offending the 38 hour standard or overtime rules.

The beauty of this clause is that it is designed to allow an employee do two things at once – acquire new skills and earn more money without having to have two different employers. The clause permits an employee to take up a casual position in the same establishment where they already work, provided the casual job is different to their regular job. This means the employee learns about a different part of the business which is helpful to both the employee and their employer. Secondly, it means the employee does not have tax issues (if they worked for a second employer) and they can coordinate their second job much easier given they are in the same workplace.

Many employees would like to earn more money but, firstly, there may not be any overtime available in their job and secondly,  the cost of overtime is prohibitive under Australian law anyway so most companies try to avoid it. But having a second job is not against the law. So these clauses make clear that the employee has two jobs – they just happen to be with the same employer. There is no bar to this, provided the second job is just that – a second job.

So far the tourism and hospitality sector seems to be the main area where these clauses have found favour, but there is no reason the principle wouldn’t apply just about anywhere. Employers should consider this tool when negotiating their agreements, although in most instances, it is driven by the employees, who clearly embrace it for obvious reasons.

Vines Resort & Country Club

Jupiter’s Townsville

Palazzo Versace

Surfers Paradise Marriott